
Powder Processing Equipment
Procedyne offers a wide array of custom-designed batch and continuous fluid bed processors for varied applications.Difficult product processing requirements can be easily and reliably achieved as a result of uniform and complete fluidization. Precise temperature control and intimate and extensive gas-solids interaction provide consistent, high quality product with extremely high yield.
Our custom-design approach results in:
- Proper Geometric Configuration for the Application
- Proper Product Handling at Critical Points in Process Cycle
- Favorable Mechanical Arrangements for Easy Changeovers and Routine Cleaning and Maintenance
- Operation at up to 1200°C Product Temperature
- Heating by Electricity, Natural Gas, or Oil
- Operation in Oxidizing, Reducing, or Inert Atmosphere, or in Combinations
- High-Temperature and/or Corrosion-Resistant Alloy Construction
- Mechanical Agitation if Required
- Effective and Efficient Handling of Entrained Fine Particulate
- Complete Systems Including Ancillary Equipment such as Feeders, Emissions Control, Energy Recovery, etc.
- Low Operating Costs due to High Energy Efficiency
- Low Maintenance Requirement
- Reliable Long-Term Commercial Operation