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Who can argue with?
  • Disposing of waste products cost effectively.
  • Avoiding adverse environmental impact.
  • Generating energy in useful form from waste products.
Convert combustible waste to a useful energy form in a reliable, rugged PROCEDYNE ECS system that is simple to operate. Nuisance waste can become a valuable asset eliminating the cost of disposal and reducing the need for fuel oil and/or natural gas, which keep increasing in cost.

The conbustion process takes place at 1700° F (927° C) in an efficient combustion chamber, which eliminates the presence of polluting hydrocarbons in the off gas without the need of an afterburner system.

Waste products such as wood pallets, scrap wood, sawdust, scrap plastics, scrap paper, cardboard, scrap rags and many other waste items are candidates for combustion.

The combustion gases leaving the combustion chamber can be directed to a hot water heater for a plant heating system or to a steam boiler system for process steam or heating use.

These PROCEDYNE ECS systems typically exhibit very high return on investment (ROI) due to elimination of waste disposal costs and reducing fuel oil and/or natural gas use.